Power Stations - Once Through Cooling
Power Stations - Closed Cooling Circuit
Seawater Desalination (MSF)
Seawater Desalination (RO)
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IN-TA-CT® in Industrial Water Circuits


Be it in petrochemical, chemical, steel, cement, or paper industries, in refuse incineration plants and major heat pumps, or in numerous other industrial applications, IN-TA-CT® has gained a firm footing in all of those sectors.

In industrial applications the cooling water volumes are generally smaller than in power stations yet nonetheless complex due to the great variety in the types of cooling systems and the types and quantities of the site-specific fouling contained in the surface water used. This calls for high flexibility in system lay-out. IN-TA-CT® fulfils this requirement in a special way: by its modular structure IN-TA-CT® can easily adapt itself to the requirements created by the relevant location and cooling water quantity.

If, for instance, once-through cooling with the extraction of surface water from the sea, a river, lake or a canal is being considered, TAPIS® offers the ideal solution as a system for water extraction (as shown). This also applies to the extraction of surface water for the treatment of cooling tower make-up water in the case of closed, recirculative cooling (cooling tower operation). In both cases TAPIS® has been designed for the protection of the cooling water pumps and, as a submerged system, avoids the discharge costs created by classic pre-screening systems.

To protect the heat exchangers installed downstream in the cooling water flow against macro fouling is the task of the TAPROGGE High-Performance Debris Filters PR-BW 100. They are arranged directly upstream of the heat exchanger inlet and prevent system shut-down for cleaning works and repair of leakages. In this way, the availability of the cooling water circuit is increased.

The TAPROGGE System for continuous, on-load tube cleaning complements IN-TA-CT®. It avoids micro fouling in cooling tubes and is the decisive tool for thermal optimality. A highly specialized process technology offers flexible solutions for the fulfilment of the cleaning task to have the best possible effect on the various appearances of micro fouling with the different types of water and tube materials.

In this combination IN-TA-CT® creates comprehensive solutions. Without interfaces and from a single source. This generates process-technological safety, cuts planning and processing costs, and has a relieving effect on capital costs.

IN-TA-CT® is ideally complemented by IN-TA-S®, TAPROGGE's integrated service system.