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IN-TA-CT® in Membrane Plants


In recent years, membrane-technical processes have made spectacular inroads into the vast fields of water technology. In addition to reverse osmosis (RO), established for many years, membrane technology applies above all to the processes of micro, ultra, and nano filtration (MF / UF / NF). Major technical applications, in particular those where natural water serves as the water source, are, above all, seawater desalination, municipal drinking water supplies and the production of water of high purity for technical purposes, for instance the production of boiler feed water.

Recent experiences have shown that an effective pre-treatment upstream of the membrane plants is a decisive precondition for the success of membrane-technical processes. The primary goal is to create a suitable protection for the membrane plants, so that blockage by particulate fouling contained in the make-up water is avoided. This is where IN-TA-CT® provides a comprehensive solution consisting of two modules:

  • Designed as a single-stage system for water extraction, TAPIS® is a lean and thus very compact solution for the pump protection. In contrast to earlier solutions where large-scale travelling band or drum screens were required for the pre-screening stage, this task is accomplished more effectively today by high-performance filters installed downstream. Large complicated machinery, requiring huge capital cost and extensive maintenance can be eliminated. The result is that both the cost of the civil construction and the cost of mechanical components is greatly reduced. Additionally, being a submerged system TAPIS® avoids the cost of disposal of debris associated with traditional pre-screening plants.
  • Technically compatible and harmonized with TAPIS® in every case of application, the TAPROGGE High-Performance Debris Filter of type PR-BW 100-FC provides for fine filtration in the range of below 300 µm. Depending on the relevant membrane type, the grade of filtration is selected to ensure that blocking of the cross-sections of the membrane capillaries, often less than 1 mm, is completely avoided. In addition, the filters enhance the capacities of the membrane plants by reducing the load of suspended substances which could enter into the membranes.

With this combination IN-TA-CT® provides the basic pre-condition for membrane operation without impediments from macro fouling.

IN-TA-CT® is ideally complemented by IN-TA-S®, TAPROGGE's integrated service system.